Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Who Checks This?

Hey all. I am at college. I am majoring in dressing up all the time. With a minor in nursing and boys. Here is a picture of my latest creations. Please update me on your lives because none of you are good bloggers anymore.



Friday, March 6, 2009

Emergency Sharing

Do you remember this little item? How is it still around? It's always available for emergency sharing.
Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I actually look like this:

And Lenore looks like this:

Love, Cam

Saturday, February 21, 2009

In Our Full Glory

This is our new family blog. Welcome.
This blog is for any Greenbomb or married-to Greenbomb to post whatever they want.
Have a million pictures of your children and family events? Post them here.
Need to disseminate information? Post it here.
Have a really good blog idea but no time to maintain your own blog? Post it here.
You have all been invited to be authors on this blog, so have at it. And I expect funny.

If you need help, ask one of the regular bloggers.
The Greenbomb Family Calendar Website:

You are also invited to participate in the Greenbomb family master calendar, in which I have input assignments for Family Dinner Nights, Summer Cousin Camp, and Saturday Dadderdays. Please go to http://www.cozi.com/ to join and look at the Greenbomb calendar (only invited people). I will also send you an email with the cozi Family Calendarinformation

The Main Events:
You all know what Family Dinner Nights are, but I've scheduled them to accommodate Pam's and Dx's theater commitments. I've also included the Celia's in the rotation, and the Ellie's when they get in their new house. The last Sunday in the rotation is NOT SCHEDULED. This weekend is reserved for you to make friends with other people and invite them over (read, get a break). Apparently this is how one makes friends with ward people.
I've had so much fun having the Ashcrfts around more frequently and having all the cousins together occasionally on Mondays, I thought we could switch to Wednesdays and put one family in charge of planning an activity during the summer. This is basically just glorified Pool Days, but I called it Cousin Camp. I though Sister Wives Camp would be too freaky-deaky. And Val, the cousins love you so you have a day, so please plan to be here. Phil, Cam or others, if you want a Cousin Camp day, let me know. I tried to schedule Cousin Camp days away from your Dadderdays.
You all know how Dadderdays work, but here's a reminder. Every kid has a Saturday day with Dad during the summer to do an activity. The activity must take all day. The planner can invite other people, but Jim cannot. Jim also is forbidden to call other people that the planner regarding their activity, especially during said activity. Jim must focus all his attention on that one child and family on that day. Thanks to Ellie for this invention.

The One-Time Events:

I tried to include as many birthdays and theatrical events as I could remember, but please put more information on there. I also tried to highlight when a Family Dinner is a Birthday Dinner for the people with Birthdays around then so you can get presents in advance. Cam, when is your show and graduation? Max, which weekends are you Tevye? When do people want to go to Evita as a group? C, Pg, E, V, Ph when does school end? When are you scheduling camping weekends? Everybody else, are your birthdays on there? If you have an event to which you would like to alert or invite the family, please put it on there for everybody's reference.
If you need to change your family dinner days, Cousin Camp, or Dadderday, contact the person with whom you would like to change. Otherwise, I think this gives everyone plenty of time to plan ahead.
I hope you will work with me on the scheduling and use this blog to post whatever you want, family related or not. It is a public website, so please don't post people's names who might not want to have it pop up on Google.